Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Great Expectations

Was talking to a really close friend the other day and she was telling me about a conversation she had with another friend. In that conversation, her friend had said that it was better to not have expectations of anyone, cause then you'll never get upset when that someone doesn't live up to those expectations.

To which my friend replied that it's simply not possible not to have expectations of anyone. Especially those who are closest to you.

Now, the first argument in theory is a great idea. Dun have expectations of anyone. You won't be hurt when that someone doesn't live up to those expectations.

But personally, I really dun think that is humanly possible. Children expect to be loved by their parents. Husbands expect respect from their wives. And God expects us to be good.

I mean, let's face the truth, whether we like it or not, all of us are great expectors (word made up by me). You wouldn't naturally expect anything from a newly found friend. But when that friend becomes close, you would naturally expect from that friend wouldn't you?

So maybe, just maybe, the problem that we have is having great expectations of someone. And when that someone doesn't live up to those high standards, we tend to get dissapointed, disgruntled and irritated.

So is it true that when I love someone more, I expect more from that loved one? Are my expectations greater because my love is greater? Think about the people that you respect in your life. Respect is a form of Love. You only respect those you love, and you only love those you respect.

Maybe sometimes, I think I need to look at myself, and ask myself if I can live up to those expectations that I set on others. And if I can, then maybe I should accord some grace and be merciful. Afterall, these are my loved ones. If I cannot accord grace, then who will?

For God was gracious to me, a sinner.
I never lived up to His expectations.
But He still loved me anyway...

The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
The courage to change the things I can...
And wisdom to know the difference...

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